Although a significant part of the YaST Team is enjoying their well deserved summer vacations, the development wheel keeps turning. During the latest two weeks we have fixed quite some bugs in several parts of (Auto)YaST. But listing fixed bugs it’s quite boring, so let’s focus on more interesting stuff we have also achieved.

YaST Firstboot with the layout steps and active banner (the SUSE logo).

Firstboot with steps and banner

YaST Firstboot with the layout title-on-top and also active banner.

Firstboot with title on top and banner

YaST Firstboot with the layout title-on-left and without banner.

Firstboot with title on top and banner

As you can imagine, more combinations are possible.

As summer continues in Europe, we hope to bring you more refreshing news in two weeks. Meanwhile, try the new features and have a lot of fun!